Sunday, September 23, 2007

Social Awkwardness

I shot this on IRFD, several weeks ago. It doesn't really capture the scope of these plants perched on the edge of a beachside cliff, which is why I haven't used it earlier I suppose.
I'm experiencing a bit of the old weekend fatigue after working last night and seeing Dahlia Man both days. I feel priveleged to be included in workplace gossip at the agency job. I do love to get the skinny on things, whether they really matter or not.
In a rather interesting twist, one of our local doctors was leaving Dahlia Man's as I was arriving. This has happened before, usually quite uncomfortably, but not since I quit my job at the local hospital. We exchanged niceties in a much less strained manner than previously. Things like this are probably all completely in my head. It's no secret that I'm a social nincompoop. I'm sure I've jeopardized, if not sacrificed, friendships in my life because of this. I just hope that it gets better and not worse before I die.

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