We were blessed by a beautiful snowstorm on Saturday, when we could stay home and look at it snowing and not go anywhere. Now it is Tuesday, and we have another winter weather event. I don't work today, so I was looking forward to spending the day reading and writing.
Here's where the 'flexible' part comes in. The school system, in all its wisdom, chose to have a flexible instruction day. This means that the children stay home and do assignments on their Chromebooks and get credit for a full day of school. This means that the parents are responsible for making sure the children do their assignments at home. Let's add and subtract mixed numbers! Actually, the instructions said "Evaluate". Does that mean solve? My evaluation is that I am a strong supporter of the metric system and decimals! My feelings on the subject become stronger every time I have to do fractions homework.
My day was flexible in other ways. I started working out again last week. Today was supposed to be leg day. My HIIT video is 15 minutes. Instead of doing the video, I shoveled snow for 47 minutes. The goal is to be burning and breathless. I achieved both.
It's hard for me to be flexible sometimes. I have an idea of what I want to do, when and how I want to do it. I need to learn to ask for instruction, wait, and pay attention. It turns out that doing my work in life is much more difficult than fractions. Finding a common denominator is important. Complex fractions are simple compared to complex relationships or complex decisions. I need to simplify. It should be the simplest thing in the world to trust my Creator and Savior to show me the way, but sometimes I'm too impatient and find out I'm not even looking at the same page as my Teacher. I need to be more flexible.
Jesus gave us some wonderful examples of flexibility. In Luke 8:43, Jesus is in the middle of talking to Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, about his sick daughter, when He is interrupted by someone touching Him. It is the woman with a bleeding disorder for 12 years, who has spent all her money on doctors and is no better. She touched Jesus and was healed. She was ceremonially unclean, and she interrupted this conversation with an important and powerful man. Jesus didn't get annoyed. He said, "Daughter be of good comfort, go in peace." What a great example for me to follow!
I should practice saying that with a smile when I get interrupted. No worries. Happy to help. God bless you.
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