Thursday, September 27, 2012


I'm still quietly waiting away here. While I wait, I'm whittling away at preparations.  We took the train to IKEA and got a rocker this week.  I had forgotten how much I love to rock, but can't wait to have a baby in my lap.  After coming home from Goodwill Outlet with baby things this weekend, I inventoried my stock of unisex clothing, and it's starting to look pretty complete.  I've been including kid's books on my forays now and am building a decent shelf full.

The really exciting news for me, though, is that I met a waiting moms group for coffee yesterday.  I really enjoyed the time with others who understand precisely and even share the frustration of this time.  It was nice to see pictures of two new referrals - beautiful little boys - and share the joy of moms who have been waiting well over a year.  Planning to see them again in October.


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