Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Prestige- movie review

I had to watch this twice before I "got it". If you guessed that someone in my household likes magic, you'd be close. If you knew that it was jc, you were correct. This was a perfect movie for the Scholar to watch, because it kept even him guessing.
The plot is so multi-layered and unexpected that it surprises at every turn. You can believe nothing that you see. The story follows what seems on one hand to be a senseless, destructive passion; yet the humanity of the characters shines warmly through, leaving you with the hope that just maybe there is some good to be salvaged.
A must see if you don't mind working for it.

1 comment:

Ms J said...

i watched this at the weekend and totally enjoyed it too :-)
i like the unexpected ending..there seem to be an influx of 'magician' storylines..but i like The restige better than The Illusionist.